I’ve compiled 23 key takeaways from my journey so far, and I’d love to hear about others’ experiences in building their businesses too!
– Kathleen Steffey, CEO/Founder, Naviga Recruiting & Executive Search
1. To hell with the haters
You can’t please everyone, so stop trying.
2. Pivot, pivot, and pivot some more
Never stand still. Keep moving and try new things.
3. It’s okay to fail
I’ve learned so much from the mistakes I’ve made.
4. Stay true to yourself
I’m zany, imperfect, and sometimes downright weird. People are drawn to it.
5. Hire people who believe in the mission of the company
I spent a decade trying to coach, train and influence people when they didn’t believe in me and my philosophies. I will never do it again. It destroys culture.
6. If it’s gray stay away
If you have a negative instinct about a client, candidate, employee or decision, go with that instinct and push your energy in the other direction.
7. Work harder than your competitors
Simple actions like speed, follow-up, and over-communicating are key attributes most people don’t have. Keep using them because they are noticed.
8. If a recession hits, go to work
I never gave up during the recession. My team and I put our heads together and created plans that set us apart while others were closing shop. I’ll never forget those days as it makes us who we are today.
9. Clients don’t know what they don’t know
If clients don’t see things your way, be honest with them and coach them on best practices. 99% of the time they appreciate it and want to do good.
10. Demand respect
Respect is given if respect is required.
11. Say goodbye to clients faster
I used to accommodate clients and give them the benefit of the doubt JUST because they were “clients”. I now see that some are quick to take advantage of us and do not want to play the game fair.
12. Two Strikes You’re Out
Whether you’re an employee, candidate, or client, I no longer give 3 strikes. Fool me once; I’ll give you a chance; fool me twice, and it’s over.
13. Loyalty is underrated
Tenured employees mean the world to me and the business. The people who have been on my team for years are irreplaceable.
14. Profitability is key
Revenue is one thing, but something is wrong if the business is not making money. I’ve learned the hard way by not cutting expenses fast enough. I’ll never do it again.
15. Sharpen the saw as a leader
Keep fresh and surround yourself with other executives OUTSIDE of your industry. It’s incredible how their perspective and influence can impact your business.
16. It’s okay to be decisive
In an industry where decisiveness matters, I’ve learned that sticking with your convictions gets you places. Making smart but sharp/quick decisions when evaluating top talent is a huge differentiator.
17. It can be lonely at the top
It’s taken me about 15 years to figure out how to create true relationships while running a business, raising 3 children, and maintaining a healthy marriage. I think I finally have it down and my life is very full.
18. You can create your own tribe
Creating my own friendship groups has been key to my life. I’ve created various groups of friends that include couples from my church, people who like to work out and exercise, executives that hold me accountable, and like-minded faith-based friendships. These groups fill my soul and meet my needs. This being said, my immediate and extended family will always be my number one tribe.
19. You have to adapt when things get difficult
Great business still happens in a pandemic. Making your clients a top priority and executing on the work at hand is key.
20. Keep your feet to the ground
Every year our culture, the health of the economy, and the general landscape of business change. Keep your feet to the ground, and you will always win!
21. Naviga’s Prime Time
I’m almost 50 and thriving physically, mentally, spiritually, socially, and professionally. Decisions and problem-solving come easier for me and the energy I put forth to the universe comes back to the business like no other stage. My staff is seasoned and has depth and discernment in hiring and operations decisions. The universe, AKA employer audience, has shown that it respects consistency, expertise, depth in the market, problem-solving and a good, fun-natured culture that thrives on getting things done.
22. Stick Your Head Out
Taking chances and pivoting with the market will take you places and challenge a growth mindset. Never lose your zest and willingness to try!
23. Experiencing both successes and challenges firsthand is crucial in shaping your team.
It fosters humility, reinforces that success is earned through tangible results, and reveals the real effort required to achieve goals.