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sales reps

3 Things Salespeople Need to Know About Outbound Marketing

outbound marketing and sales reps
The marketing industry has already felt the disruptive impact of advanced technology on their profession. Everything from the way they reach out to customers, to the tools they use, even to the new marketing positions being created are all a direct result of these technological advances. And while the sales profession seems to be a few steps behind, they’re going through a digital transformation o...

5 Ways Sales Reps Can Stay Relevant in 2025

5 Ways Sales Reps Can Stay Relevant in 2016
In today’s world, your potential customer now has an 8 second attention span, advanced email filters, and endless amounts of information available at their fingertips. These modern day obstacles prevent new challenges for sales reps trying to connect to prospects, and using old school selling techniques won’t get you the same results they did years ago. It’s important for sales reps to be aware of...

Common Sales Hiring Mistakes

It’s no secret that hiring a sales representative is a difficult task, but oftentimes the sales hiring managers make this task even harder by committing detrimental mistakes during the hiring process. Through years of experience, Kathleen Steffey, CEO of Naviga Recruiting & Executive Search, narrowed down the top 3 sales hiring mistakes she witnesses on a daily basis. Hiring a job hopper, hiri...